
2019-12-17 12:16


The blue book shows that Beijing's permanent population has dropped for two consecutive years while getting much older. Meanwhile, the capital's subcenter, Tongzhou district, has seen more population growth since Beijing has been shifting noncapital functions to neighboring areas.蓝皮书显示,北京市常住人口连续两年下降,但老龄人口有所增加。自北京开始向周边地区疏解非首都功能以来,北京城市副中心通州区的人口规模扩大。
In addition, the blue book finds that the capital's migrant population has been declining since 2015. In 2018, it had fallen to nearly 7.65 million, down 3.74 percent year-on-year.此外,蓝皮书指出,2015年以来,北京市常住外来人口规模不断下降,2018年常住外来人口近765万人,比上年下降3.74%。
常住人口(population of long-term residents/permanent residents population)指经常居住在某一地区的人口,包括常住该地而临时外出的人口,不包括临时寄住的人口(temporary residents excluded)。目前世界上大多数国家都把居住半年以上作为判别常住人口的时间标准。
户籍人口(household registered population)是指公民依照《中华人民共和国户口登记条例》已在其经常居住地的公安户籍管理机关登记了常住户口的人。这类人口不管其是否外出,也不管外出时间长短,只要在某地注册有常住户口,则为该地区的户籍人口。
现有人口(current population)指在规定的标准时点上,居住在某一地区的全部人口。
蓝皮书预计“北京市常住人口规模2020年控制在2300万人以内(plan to cap its permanent residents population at 23 million by 2020)”的目标能够实现。
The juvenile population, made up 10.52 percent of the total last year, while people age 65 and older, accounted for 11.21 percent.2018年北京市0岁至14岁常住少儿人口比重为10.52%;65岁及以上常住老年人口比重达11.21%。
In 2018, nearly 40 percent had a college undergraduate education or higher, according to the report.蓝皮书显示,2018年北京市常住人口中,大专及以上教育程度人口占比近40%。
常住人口 permanent residents population/population of long-term residents
积分落户制 points-based household registration system
居住证 residential permit
流动人口 migrant population
人口承载能力 population capacity
户口迁移政策 household registration transfer policy
(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)